Sanitary Napkins
1) Smoke Treated,Odour Free (800Watts/Hr)–Incinerator.
2)Odourless, Zero runningcost—Incinerator.
3) PHWaterTreated.
Historically, burning napkins,medical waste has been the only way to prevent the spread of disease. Current method of napkin disposal is unhygienic and results in inconvenience to citizens, environment, animals and Nature.
Today, incineration is a method by which controlled combustion of waste matter can be done with minimal environmental impact.
Incineration is the best method to control infections from spreading, to keep work areas sterile, reduce the load on landfills, clogging in drains,enables disposal of waste at source and in a short time.
Incineration can be defined as a process which uses thermal energy to convert organic matter into flue gases, heat and ash. As compared to other methods of waste management such as sterilization, incineration changes the chemical structure of the material being burnt and is therefore the most effective way of removing infectious pathogens.
The entire process involves waste feeding, combustion at high temperature in refractory lined chambers and emission-treated smoke to the atmosphere.
Diaper Incinerators
Animal Incinerators
LARGE ANIMAL WASTE INCINERATORS INCINERATE big dead animals like cows, Buffalos, Oxe, horses etc. It is widely used to destroy to animal infec on diseases, viruses andanimalwastematerial.
These products are manufactured using the latest technology machinery. Large Animal Incinerator is double wall constructed on, duly insulated with high-efficiency ceramic bricks, with dual chambers for complete combustible their dead bodies/carcass. The burners of this system are fully automated & efficient. The chamber temperature is controlled by a PLC digital temperature controller.
These products have separate doors for waste burning chamber and for ash collecting tray. A chimney is provided for emission of fumes. The incinerator reduces most combus ble solid waste to nearly 2-3 percent by volume and upto3% by weight.
Large animal incinerator are easy to install and extremely durable equipment. Itis available in varied capacity/sizes basedon the requirement of Forest Department, Animal Industries and Veterinary Hospitals.
Poultry Incinerators
Poultry incinerator to be used to incinerate Dead Birds, Hen, Unfer lized Eggs, Bird Dropping, Egg Shells etc. It is commonly used in poultry farm, breeding, research centers etc. It is widely used to destroy to birds (bird-flue) infection diseases, viruses and birds/egg waste material, which will ensure zero infec on and safety of birds from contracting any disease.Our poultry incinerators are manufactured using latest technology & machinery.
The chamber temperature is controlled by a digital temperature controller. Incinerator with separate doors for waste burning chamber and for ash collecting tray and chimney for emission of fumes. The incinerator reduces most combustible solid waste to nearly 2-3 percent by volume andupto2% by weight.
Easy to install and extremely durable equipment. It is available in varied capacity/sizes based on the requirement of Poultry farms.
E Waste Incinerators
The waste generated by used electronic equipments like computers, invertors, transistors radio, PCb’s and other industrial and household gadgets they are non-degradable waste and cause many problems in disposal of such kind of components.
Why we should Incinerate
The integrated circuits consume much space and the cost of transportation is much higher therefore idea was generated to incinerate it to reducing the volume and weight saving in logistic cost.
The E-waste does not contain high percentage of combustible materials and therefore flame propagation is absent making it difficult to incinerate in normal way. To minimize this problem we have developed the special combustion chamber where in the waste material is rotated in a cylinder and face the burner to facilitate the burning.
The reduced ashes and unburn par cles can be collected from the ash tray and rota ng drum containing material that can be separated and recycled.
The reduction in weight is nearly 10-20 % and volume by 5-10 % making it convinet to ship for further separation at recycling plant.
The incinerator combustion chamber is designed for easy maintenance of all internal parts including refractory
and isolation.
It is a common sight in most open crematoriums where cloud of black smoke covers the blue sky. According to some environmentalists, the ceremony of burning human bodies using wood, with the belief that it releases the soul, is actually a threat to the environment. According to a report, all the year round, around 50 to 60 million trees are burned during cremations in India. While burning the wood, there is also emission of million tonnes of carbon dioxide gas which is harmful for the environment. The two main drawbacks ofthe traditional method of cremation are air pollution and deforestation. Also, cremation in open grounds generate large amounts of ashes, which are later thrown into rivers and water bodies, especially the Ganga river, there by polluting the water. These are all environmental threats caused by cremation. Today’s modern crematories use industrial furnaces designed just for cremation. The process takes about 2-3 hours to complete.
Proserve Inc
No. 1, Jalaram Krupa, G-Floor,
1st Main, 1st Cross, Nataraja Layout,
Wilson Garden Housing Society, J. P. Nagar, 7th Phase, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560078
Phone : 76765 71935
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